Parking We have plenty of parking on our property at both locations.
Service times Worship Services are held every Sunday.
They are held at 8:00 AM in Black River Falls (Bible Class and Sunday School follow the service)
They are held at 9:45 AM in Cataract (Bible Class follows the service)
Ushers Ushers are at the entrance to the church and are waiting to greet you, answer any questions you may have and make sure you are comfortable during your visit with us.
The Service Our services are about an hour long and include responsive readings, Bible lessons, songs and a sermon.
What do I wear? Wear whatever you are comfortable in. Our members wear everything from shorts to 3-piece suits.
What does it cost? Nothing. At one point during the service we will pass an offering plate to allow our members to support our ministry and missions; visitors are not required or expected to contribute.